New economic war between China and the United States


The next economic war between the United States and China will be related to the problems of climate change, experts promised, according to CNBC.

Haim Israel suggests that the “climate war” between Washington and Beijing will follow the technological and trade wars, inasmuch as it is climate change that will become the dominant economic and political theme in the coming decades. “It’s not just about saving the planet. We believe that climate strategies offer a way to global excellence because there is much more at stake here,” he concluded.

The advantage in the production of electric vehicles will be also important. “So far, about half of the oil goes to the transport market, and cars are the most part of it,” Israel said. The expert is confident that whoever becomes the leader in the production of electric vehicles will definitely have a huge advantage in the future. So far, the market is ruled by the American Tesla, but competitors from China are already stepping on its heels.