US market breaks records


For the first time in history, the S&P 500 index, which tracks the shares of the largest US companies by capitalization, exceeded 4,000 points. The record breaking in the American market is reported by CNBC.

According to the information of the New York Stock Exchange, by 18:00 the index added 32 points and reached the level of 4004.92 points. Other indices are also growing, for example, the Dow Jones added 58 points, and the Nasdaq – by 230. Among technology companies, the largest growth was in Facebook and Alphabet (more than 2 percent). Microsoft stocks rose 1.2 percent after news that the firm had received a large order from the US Army.

The growth in the market came after US President Biden showed a plan to save the country’s economy by more than two trillion dollars. The plan provides for the allocation of 621 billion dollars to modernize transport infrastructure, 400 billion to support the elderly and disabled people, 300 billion to support the industrial sector. Additionally, $213 billion will be spent on renovating and building affordable housing and $100 billion – on developing broadband networks.