Elon Musk gains confidence


At least once, 37 percent of American investors have bought stocks or bonds based on Elon Musk’s Twitter posts. This is evidenced by data from a survey conducted by the research company Piplsay.

16 percent of respondents listened to the head of Tesla and SpaceX many times, another 21 percent invested based on his tweets once or twice. 64 percent of those surveyed began to follow Musk’s Twitter account, 43 of them – closely.

82 percent are positive about the billionaire’s personality, including almost half (48 percent) consider him a genius, 22 percent – “funny”, and 12 percent – crazy in a good sense of the word. Meanwhile, 45 percent admire Musk’s passion and dedication to his work, and 35 percent say they do not accept his arrogance.