FRS positively assesses the prospects of vaccination


Earlier, there was speech of the FOMC member Lael Brainard, who positively evaluates the prospects for vaccination in the United States. Currently 20% of the population is vaccinated and in two months it is expected that a third of the American population will be vaccinated. This factor, coupled with budgetary stimulus, allows us to count on the acceleration of economic growth in the United States this year, which will push the quotations of the American stock market upward.

This week, the S&P500 index has great chances to renew its all-time maximum, because, firstly, we are receiving positive statistics from the United States, and secondly, the Fed will substantially increase asset repurchases from Wednesday to Friday, which will increase the volume of liquidity in the financial system.

Investment idea: Buy 106.60/106.40 and take profit 107.01.