The record collapse in 5 years in exports of Russia


Exports from Russia in 2020 fell by 20.7 percent (minus $88.1 billion) and amounted to $338.2 billion – a record fall over the past five years. This was discussed in the FinExpertiza research.

In 2015, the volume of exports from Russia amounted to 345.9 billion dollars (minus 31.1 percent), in 2016 it amounted to 287.7 billion (minus 16.8 percent). In 2017, exports was at the level of $359.8 billion (plus 25.1 percent), in 2018 – 452.1 billion (plus 25.6 percent), in 2019 – 426.3 billion (minus 5.7 percent). Exports of fuel and energy commodities such as oil, gas and coal decreased especially strongly in 2020 (minus 36.4 percent or minus $167 billion), according to the research. The share of such goods in total exports from the country also dropped record-breaking: if in 2019 it was at 62.1 percent, then in 2020 it showed a drop to 49.6 percent – at least since 2003.

The corona crisis also seriously affected the export of chemical products (minus 11.4 percent, to $23.9 billion), machinery, equipment and vehicles (minus 9.5 percent, to $25.1 billion), metals and metal products (minus 7 percent to $34.9 billion). At the same time, exports of textiles, textile products and timber (plus 8.6 percent), food and agricultural raw materials (plus 19.6 percent), precious metals and precious stones (by 99 percent) increased sharply. For the last two categories, export earnings reached the maximum for the entire available statistics period since 2003, and amounted to $29.6 billion and $30.4 billion.