Elon Musk admits that the quality of Tesla cars is poor


General director of Tesla Musk unexpectedly admitted that one of his company’s strictest electric car critics, technical consultant Sandy Munro, was right. In an interview on the expert’s podcast, the businessman noted that, in general, the claims were adequate.

Munro is dismantling and rebuilding cars to evaluate their quality. In early 2018, he did such experience with a Model 3 and was amazed at the poor quality. Kia had the same deficiencies in the 1990s, he said.

“I can’t imagine how they started selling it,” Munro said, then. Among other things, the expert noted uneven gaps between the panels and poor coloring.

Musk usually reacts sharply to criticism, but this time he even added that the first budget Tesla had problems with comfort. “The early Model 3s had the worst seats I’ve ever sat in,” the head of the company admitted.