Fast recovery after a pandemic


Almost in every country in the world, inequality is likely to rise, which will be a record in more than 100 years. Rich people were able to recover from the pandemic much faster than the poor.

An unfair economic system enables the super-rich to accumulate funds during the worst recession since the Great Depression, while billions of people are struggling to make ends meet, Oxfam notes. The organization believes that the crisis is over for rich people. “The combined wealth of the 10 richest people in the world has increased by $540 billion since the start of the pandemic. This is enough to pay for the COVID-19 vaccine for everyone and make sure the pandemic does not plunge anyone into poverty,” the report said.

The richest people in the world were able to compensate for financial losses in nine months. At the same time, hundreds of millions of citizens were left without work. For the poorest people it may take more than 10 years to recover from the crisis, experts predict. The biggest blow fell on women.